The revamped website, course, and module navigation simplify the navigation hierarchy and facilitate easier, more intuitive, and faster navigation.
The course pages have been redesigned to be more user-friendly for editing and to allow simpler tracking of tasks and activities.
In the newer versions of Moodle 4.x, the content editor’s navigation has been updated. Before Moodle 4.0, all content management options were hidden in a dropdown menu under the gear icon. However, the updated system in Moodle 4.x has replaced the dropdown with a tab-based navigation system.

Activities and Resources
In Moodle 4.x, the icons for activities and resources have been changed.

The quiz functionality and question bank have been enhanced, incorporating usage statistics, results, feedback, question versions, and more.
The new Moodle provides additional insights about the activities or resources within a course. For instance, even before opening an activity, one can see the start date for task submissions and the deadline. In previous versions of Moodle, this was only visible once the activity was accessed.

Another new feature for Moodle content creators is the enhanced ease of toggling the editing mode for a page or course. This is now facilitated by a button always accessible at the top of the page.

H5P Integration: Moodle 4.2 has made it easier for content creators to create and integrate H5P content directly into their courses. When a creator makes changes to the content, they can send a message to participants notifying them that the course has been updated.
For any activity that has an assigned grade, it can be specified in the completion criteria that a participant must achieve a passing grade for the progress tracking to be marked as complete.

In Moodle 4.x, a new customizable dashboard is available, allowing users to add or remove widgets as per their preferences. Moodle 4.x introduces more flexibility for dashboard modifications.
Moodle 4.x has greatly enhanced accessibility features, including keyboard navigation and screen reader support.
Moodle Mobile App
Newer versions of Moodle 4.x offer a better user experience compared to Moodle 3.x.
Course Management
Moodle 4.2 introduces a new user interface for course management, allowing educators to manage their courses more efficiently.